Gaming Conventions for 2019, and This Weeks Video Ideal # of Players
The next series is going to be Introduction to DnD Basics. This is the series to show to people who are new to Dungeons and Dragons.
With Dungeons and Dragons being played in a Castle oversees I have loved seeing the short video clips and pictures of the festivities. There are so many great events going on out there. I really love that they are doing things like this.
Been considering which gaming conventions I would like to go to in 2019 and I am open to any and all suggestions. Which are the best gaming conventions? Next year I want to make it to a few.
This weeks video covered the Ideal Number of Players in a Tabletop RPG. We covered solo games and games including 6+ players. How does the number of players impact streaming a game online compared to in person games?
Only a single video remains in the Introduction to Tabletop RPGs series. The final one is a bonus video that I felt like doing because of my gaming with my daughter recently. I felt discussing whether kids can play Tabletop RPGs and what ages to consider starting them would be a great video in this series. I know a lot of parents who enjoy gaming but struggle to find the time so gaming with their children is the best way to do so in their mind. It is a common question that I see in many message forums.
Before we kick off the next series we will have an interview with Adam Bradford from D&D Beyond. It was recorded a few weeks back and it was great! Adam is an awesome guy and happens to be the mastermind behind the software. It really shows that he is a gamer and wants the product to be the best tool for other gamers. There is constant improvements being made to an already great software that I can't encourage enough.
Been working on a product that I am very proud of. It is something for game masters that I think anyone who runs games can find a lot of use out of. We are working towards a tentative release date sometime in October. If it does well I will be working towards putting out more products in the future. This is the first one for me so I am not sure what to expect out of this yet. This is a dream that I want to achieve and learn as much I can from it.
To support all of this content and more head on over to the Patreon page. Any and all contributions made will go towards growing the channel by getting better equipment, software, and more!