Right now a lot is happening in the world as it relates to this pandemic. Here in Michigan we have a few confirmed cases and the stores are running out of cleaning supplies, toilet paper, and other things. While I am not afraid of this from my own personal health standpoint I am worried financially as I am someone who works in sales. I worry about the economic impact of it all and I am sure some of you feel the same way. One thing that I also have some concerns about is my in person gaming as well. I play or run a few games in person right now. There is a real concern about upcoming gaming conventions like GenCon, GrandCon, and Nerdarchy the Convention as well
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Found out recently I have Type 2 Diabetes. This has me thinking a lot about what I need to do to get back on the right track. One of the things is eating better and focusing on portion control. Game nights can lead to indulging in chips, pop, candy, and more.
One of the things that I have always done is killed a 2 Liter of Mountain Dew. Drinking something other than pop while others have it may be difficult for me. Sure I can drink water and that is what I will need to do but what are some healthy alternatives? Well I was thinking that I could make some fruit smoothies for myself or ask people to bring things for fruit smoothies. I could also do some juicing.
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