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D&D Beyond, How To Choose The Right System, and What Is A Session 0 - Been A Busy Couple of Weeks!

Wow is all I can say about this weeks feedback. If you regularly read my blog though you will know that I failed to post last week. Once again I am working on improving every week and I think I am delivering on that note. Many have told me how much better the quality of my videos has gotten. The amount of opportunities that have lined up thanks to this series has been amazing! I will admit I haven't grown as quickly as I thought I would but I am having far more fun this last month doing YouTube videos and managing my social media than I have ever had fun doing this. If you have known me you know this is my 2nd Tabletop RPG channel and my first one goes all the way back to 2012.

Master the Game D&D Beyond

The old channel is still going and just last week I had a full evening with my daughter. It was so much fun for the both of us! We went to a newer local gaming and comic book store called Adventure Ink located in Milan, Michigan. While we were there I talked to the store owner for awhile and bought my daughter her first Pokemon cards. She really wants to get more cards for her birthday next week on the 12th. When we got home she wanted to play Dungeons & Dragons so we streamed directly to my old YouTube Channel and it has had a lot of views with really positive feedback. My daughter stayed up until 11:00 PM that night which is about 3 hours past her bedtime but it was a great night for us. When it was time to end the game she cried because she wanted to play again but this time she wanted to control the monsters. I told her next time she can. We will figure out how that works. She is only 6 but we are going to give it a shot. Maybe this weekend she will get a chance and we will stream it again.

This week I interviewed Adam Bradford from D&D Beyond and for those who don't know, he is the D&D Beyond Product Director over at Curse. The interview went great and I can't wait to share it with all of you in a few weeks over on the Master the Game YouTube Channel. Adam is a die hard gamer like most of us in this hobby and I think that is why D&D Beyond has turned out to be such an amazing software that provides amazing value. If you haven't checked out D&D Beyond yet now is the time! Don't miss out.

After my interview I went back and fixed some things with my video for this week. I was editing until 4:00 AM because I was in such a good mood. When I get on a roll I am better off just continuing to work on things. Self awareness is key! I would say it paid off because I think the video came out much better than it would have otherwise.

When the video went up I immediately started getting a lot of likes and great feedback where I had shared it. This video in just a day has had almost more views and better watch time than any other video except for my first one in this series. I believe this is a testament to a few things... I believe the content is really good in this video first and foremost. I also think that the edits are clean and better presented than most out there. It is safe to say I am really finding my stride with this channel. If you have not watched it yet then watch it here. I will have both this and the live play with my daughter embedded in this blog post (BOTTOM OF BLOG POST). Make sure you watch both, like, and subscribe to both channels.

So now I am 5 videos into my new channel and sitting on 89 Subscribers. This is pretty good but I did hope for more by now. Many of you know I was hoping to hit 100 subscribers that first weekend of the first video. I thought I would have a higher crossover from the old channel to be honest. Some people did come over and that is awesome but of the 2,400 I think only a very small amount did. So now I fully expect at least 10 new Subscribers a week which again is pretty good just starting out but if you would think of sharing my videos when you enjoy them I would greatly appreciate it.

Master the Game Social

For those of you out there who have thought about starting to do a YouTube Channel, Twitch, Blog, or even just creating your own content step up and do it! Don't let anyone and I mean anyone tell you that you can't do it. You can and if you love it I guarantee you it will enrich your life so much. Now this is the same advice I tend to give new people to the hobby about running games or going to a local game store to play for the first time. Step up and do it! Also if your first time does happen to be rough don't give up because of one bad experience. Find out why it was bad and try again because I guarantee you that it will get better! This is the greatest hobby in the world. So go out there and GAME ON!

If you want to support this blog, the YouTube channels, Twitch, and so on please think about contributing to Master the Game on Patreon.

You can also go join my Discord, Facebook group, follow my Facebook page, Twitch, Twitter, and Instagram

While you are at it if you haven't subscribed to my YouTube Channels please do so. Tabletop Gaming with Juce on YouTube and Master the Game on YouTube.