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Tips for Starting a YouTube Channel

Seems like I am asked pretty regularly how to start a YouTube Channel. I have been thinking about this recently and I wanted to give people some tips. If you have been on the fence about it hopefully this blog post will help you with getting started.

1. First you need to think about why you are starting a channel and what you hope to get out of it yourself. There are countless reasons for why you may want to do it.

2. Ask yourself what your channel will be about. Is it about your favorite hobby? Is it just about you and everything about you? Will it have a singular focus? Will it be very broad and cover a lot of things? All of this will matter in the long term.

3. Begin to think of a name and description of what your channel is about. Having a name related to what your channel is about will help bring people to your channel. You may just want to use your nickname and that is fine too.

4. How will you be recording your videos? Webcam, Video Camera, Phone, Picture Camera with Video functions, Tablet? You will see below a great video camera I highly recommend to get started. It is affordable and is better than the one I currently use. Plus it films in HD. If you can get good lighting this will be all you need for high quality production for your videos.

5. Will you edit your videos or just post them up online raw? There are many fantastic channels that just upload videos without editing. Production quality isn't important as long as your content is good. Content is key no matter what you are doing. If your production values are very important to you focus on your lighting first.

6. Then set up your YouTube account. Put a cover image, and avatar up for your channel.

7. Begin filming your videos and don't forget to type up a catchy title, description, and use up all of your keywords space.

Here is the Video Camera I mentioned above. It is much better than my current one. It films in HD and is very affordable. If you go and pick this up let me know. I would love to hear your thoughts on this camera.

Those are my simple tips for getting a channel going. You should be ready to get out there filming videos and posting them up on your very own YouTube channel. If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment.