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My Own Game Room

Working on your own game room can be quite a daunting task. About a year ago my wife and I bought our house and of course I began planning out ways the basement could be made into my game room. It wasn't until a couple of months ago that my wife got on board with my ideas a little bit. I say a little bit because she thinks I am crazy to want to make the basement of our 1920's home into a gaming area.

So a couple weeks ago I found a table and 7 chairs through an online garage sale site for $50. It will make a fantastic gaming table. Now one of the players and I have talked about putting a raised part for the battle mat and miniatures on top of. I am also considering building a DM station or just adding about 14 inches off the one side of the table for my area. I've spent some time looking over a lot of different tables hoping one would stand out more than the rest to me.

One of the things that is important for my gaming space is shelving for my miniatures and books but preferably keeping them separate from each other. There is a do it yourself glass case I have seen which would be really cool for my miniatures. I am thinking something like that or a regular case with glass doors would be good for miniatures. I want to be able to display them so even when they aren't in use they can be seen by anyone hanging out in the game room for the evening. As for the book shelves I am going to build some simple book shelves. I haven't spent as much time looking at these as I have looking at tables.

The final thing is purely for show. I'd like to put up a wall for pictures, and posters gaming related. I have quite a few things I have been wanting to put up for a really long time but haven't had a place to put them. Behind this drywall we will be putting in a bathroom which is already partially done. Having this be only about 10 feet away from the table will be very convenient.

When my gaming area is finished I will be posting a before and after video of my game space. Having a designated area for me to play my games will be nice. Some of the other things I will be doing in this space is painting miniatures, and terrain. Filming YouTube videos will take place in this area. Also I will probably be doing most of my game prep here. Having a TV and a DVD player in the room will help.

Do you have a designated game room or area? How is yours set up? Can you share pictures? I would love to see and hear all about your current or dream gaming room set ups.

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