Approaching 1,000 Subscribers on YouTube! — Master The Game RPG
Helping you master your games! Game on!

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Approaching 1,000 Subscribers on YouTube!

With this blog post I am going to reflect on different things with my YouTube Channel. I will reflect on the very beginning, the point where I felt like things really started to take off, and where it feels like it is right now. I will also share videos from these different points with my YouTube Channel so you can see the difference. Hopefully some can learn from some of the things I have done. If not maybe you will just find it interesting to hear how things have gone for me.

When I began my YouTube channel I never had any lofty expectations. I just thought it would be fun to interact with people and share ideas. One of the big things I was looking to get from things was inspiration from others expanding on my own ideas for campaigns, world building, and other RPG related things. It was also assumed early on that this channel would be a mix of things from Pro Wrestling, Sports, Tabletop RPGs, and Video Games. Look at my original video on my channel to see how different I was then. It is funny to me watching this back because I think I have come a long way since then. What do you think of the way the channel was back then?

About a year into my channel I had felt like my channel had become pretty stagnant around 130-140 subscribers. I was not even a year into being a content creator on YouTube. I probably felt like at this time I needed to use video editing software to grow but I was wrong. The channel still wasn't as focused as it is these days. It was about too many topics even though I should have realized it was an RPG Channel then. I was still trying to talk about Sports, Pro Wrestling, and Movies at this point. When a channel isn't more focused you lose the viewers you get on the topics less discussed. Again this was a learning curve though. About a month and a half later I did a year in review video which you can see to the right side of this paragraph. When I set my goal for 500 subscribers in this video I never thought I would crush that goal like I did. While I was still looking for my voice in the community at this time I think it wasn't long after this that things began to click for me.

Around GenCon 2014 is when the start of the Juce Live Chats began! These Live Chats are what led to the Tabletop RPG One Shot Group and other great things. Friendships were born and since then so many games have been played. I've grown as a GM/DM/Player of games. Met some fantastic people and my life is richer because of these great people. I believe this is when my channel really took off. This is the type of community interaction I enjoy. The video responses so many of us have done don't seem to help me with a sense of community where as these live chats have served as great ways to learn about other players and games. I still try to do Live Chats on my channel every once in awhile. Did one last night even.

So now that the Tabletop RPG One Shot Group is approaching 1,500 members and I am almost to 1,000 subscribers I think the sky is the limit. Not sure I ever truly thought I would reach the point I am at now. It feels like quite an accomplishment to be where I am at today but now that I am here I want to reach higher. Its awesome hearing feedback from others about how you have helped them with their games or that you have enriched their lives with things like the One Shot Group. So many great people make the One Shot Group go though. I don't deserve all of the credit at all. I am just happy people are having fun and enjoying themselves.

In closing I want to thank you all for your support not only for my YouTube Channel, this Blog/Website, the Podcast, and of course the Tabletop RPG One Shot Group. You are the reason I do what I do. It has been a fun ride so far and I have no plans to get off of it anytime soon.

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