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Best Part About Online Gaming

Back a few months ago I decided to try and do a live chat on YouTube which led to some fantastic times talking to other gamers I had never met before. There was one chat that will go down as a life changer though. It is the one that founded the Tabletop RPG One Shot group. In that chat the forefathers of the group were FaunTrodden (Chepe), AJ Pickett, Sr2joker, Robert Ogre, Tenjou Mitchell (Grubbs), and Frank Frey. Since that day I feel privileged to call these guys friends.

On that night I never would have thought we would have came up with a group concept which now 500 people are enjoying on a daily basis. Games like Splicers, D&D5e, Cthulhutech, Heroes Unlimited, Stalker, and so many more are being played there. We still need more people running games but that will come in time I think as people get more comfortable.

Onto the best part about online gaming. Since that night I have been able to play in numerous games with these guys (and more) and I think it has only brought us closer. Every time you play in a good game with people there is a bond or connection made it seems. You have stories of these great memories that you created as a group and nobody can take that away. Isn't that what makes gaming in person so great? Really there is very little difference in my opinion between the two.

If you are interested in making YouTube videos gaming with people online leads to a lot of good video ideas as well for your channel. If you have a blog you can come up with great content for that. The positive vibes around the RPG One Shot group are fantastic and it makes me so proud to be part of such a fantastic community.

So go out and jump into a game or run a game when you can. Personally I am running a D&D5e game next Thursday for the One Shot group. Decided to bring in mostly newer members that haven't played yet. Then invited my friend sr2joker to play in it and help the others along. Should be a really fun game. Then in January I am starting a Heroes Unlimited campaign which is all because of the One Shot group as well. That game is full but should be a fun watch on YouTube for the masses.

If you feel a little nervous or apprehensive about  running or playing in a game online it is ok. We have all been there at some point but once you do it you will begin to wonder why you ever had any doubts about it. Then you will wish you got into this much sooner. It is fun and you make great friends. What more could you ask for?