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Posts in Dungeons and Dragons
Master the Game - A New Channel D&D Optimization

I have started working on a new YouTube channel called Master the Game. It is a channel all about optimization. If you are a player and want to know the most efficient ways to build a character type this channel will have you covered. This channel will also teach game masters/dungeon masters how to optimize encounters. We hope to fill a need in our community that isn't discussed much.

Players often are looking for

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Working On Publishing My Homebrew World For Tabletop RPG's Part 1

It is no secret that for a couple years now I have been working on my homebrew world to eventually publish. I have multiple projects started for various regions that include factions, NPC's, monsters, magic items, and dieties started. When I am inspired I add more to the various projects.

I've planned on...

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Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Is Here To Stay

I have been playing Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition since the play test. I've loved almost every aspect of the system and how they implemented new options. By doing the play testing in the Unearthed Arcana articles it is just wetting our appetites as fans of the game. Plus the fact they aren't releasing tons of books at an alarming rate it making it more digestible. The one concern I do have though is the open gaming license and DM's Guild seems to be over saturating the 3rd party market. Ultimately though Wizards of the Coast is doing things right.

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